Be A Star

  • Love
  • Trustworthy
  • Honesty
  • Responsible
  • Respectful

Thursday, September 27, 2012

     Student responsibilities

                  Part 3

What is important to you is what you, as you start to reach milestones in your ambitions, you appreciate your own achievements. It is a boost, of course, if others appreciate what you have done too, but appreciating yourself will strengthen your self-belief, and reinforce your determination to succeed.

Some of the key characteristics you will find in those who are successful are perseverance, prepared to research, plan and work hard, practice a lot even when things do not seen to be going well, and an ability to recover and learn from setbacks. At the outset of whatever it is you are trying to succeed in, a strong vision of your future, planning, and setting yourself achievable targets can all play an important role.

If you feel you do not naturally have all those characteristics, then do not despair. Each of them can be accomplished by your own application. You can use meditation and visualization techniques to initiate your vision, and they can certainly be learnt both for that purpose and for each step you take to reach your goals. Setting goals and objectives can be a personal or business technique that can be learnt. You can develop inner strength to succeed if you apply yourself to doing just that,  will enable you to recover from setbacks more easily.

Students: These are your Responsibilities!

             Choose the right

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Student responsibilities

                Part 2

7. I have the responsibility to do every bit of assigned homework with proper attention and though.

8. I have the responsibility to view my teacher as a partner in my education.

9. I have the responsibility to understand that I am not the only student in my class , and that if I fall behind the class, not all of my catching up is appropriate for the classroom setting .

10. I have the responsibility to act as competent adult .

11. I have the responsibility of trying to integrate the concepts being taught into other courses and other areas of my life .

12. I have the responsibility to be polite and open to my teacher and classmates .

13.i have the responsibility to accept that my work will be evaluated in terms of what skills any student in the course is expected to master.

by Lynne Marie Rodell, Christian brothers university, Tennessee, from; the teaching professor, January 1994, p.3

Choose The Right!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

        Successful student part 2

4. Successful student’s learn that a student and a teacher make a team. Successful student reflect well in the efforts of any teacher  ; if you have learned your material, the instructor taken some justifiable pride in teaching. Join forces with your instructor , they are not an enemy , you share the same interests, the same goals – in short , you’re teammates . Get to know your

    Choose the right  !!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

   Five ways to successful live are:

1.You always got to be responsible.

2. always got to be taking care of yourself and don’t choose to do what other people decide to do for example drinking at a young age, smoking, stealing, because it will take to a wrong path.

3. you have to stay in school so in the future you can have the career you always dream about.

4. you have to respectful, trustful, faithful, and care about others who wants a need.

5. you always need to “CHOOSE THE RIGHT”

Student Success Statement

“I am proud to win, but I a bond to be true. I must stand with anybody that stands while he is right, and part with him when he’s wrong”

                 -Abraham Lincoln

Mayco- this means that you have to make the right choices for who you want to be and who you want your friends to be. Also that you always got to stand firm in your feet even though someone doesn’t agree, because they will be a person who will agree and support you.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

-     Playing soccer

-     Playing mw3 and battefield3, and fifa12 and madden12

-     Playing basketball and football


My hobbies are:

-     Playing basketball

-     Baking cakes

-     Drawing

-     Playing soccer

-     Playing mw3 and battefield3, and fifa12 and madden12

-     Playing basketball and football


My hobbies are:

-     Playing basketball

-     Baking cakes

-     Drawing

Thursday, September 13, 2012

          (Habits 44-47)

44.they don’t rationalize failure. While many are taking about their age ,their age, their sure back , their lack of time ,their poor genetics, their ‘bad luck’, their nasty boss and their lack of opportunities (all good reasons to fail)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012



In my point of view I say that Ian chose the right in giving the ball back to Nicholas. Also that he is one good and nice boy. This news remind me of the time I went to a game between the Angels and the Dodgers in 2009, I remember that many Ramirez had hit the ball but it was an foul-ball and it went over the backstop and I quickly got up and went right straight were the ball was landing and I caught it but there was another young boy that was trying to get it but I bump him off and so I can catch the ball. But at than end I came out choosing what was right, so I gave him the ball and I felt very proud and I feel the same for

             50 habits of successful people

                  (habits 36-43)

36.           They have a big engine. They work hard and are not lazy.

37.           They are resilient. When most would throw in the towel, they’re just warming up.

38.           They are open to, and more likely to act upon, feedback.

39.           They don’t hang out with toxic people.

40.           They don’t invest time or emotional energy into things that they have no control of.

41.           They are happy to swim against the tide, to do what most wont. They are not people pleasers and they don’t need constant approval.

42.            They are more comfortable with their own company than most.
They set higher standards for themselves (a choice we can all make), which in turn produces greater commitment, more momentum, a better work ethic and of course, better results

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

student success statement

"it's not living that matters,but living rightly "

mayco- this means that you live the life that you want but you always need to stay away from bad things that would affect you or your family members. also that you shouldnt be doing what other people do cause that will get into a path that you will never get out of always "Choose The Right"

       50 habits of successful people

31 .they are secure. they do not  derive their sense of worth of self-steem what they own, who they known, where  they live or what they look like .

32. they are generous and kind. they take pleasure in helping others achieve.

33 .they are humble and they are happy to admit mistakes and to apologize. there are confident in their ability, but not arrogant. they are happy to learn from others. they are happy to make others llok good rather than seek their own personal glory.

34.they are adaptable and embrace change, while the mojarity are creatures of comfort and habit. they are comfortable with, and embrace, the new and unfamiliar.

35.they keep themselves in shape physically, not to be mistaken with training for the olympics or beeing obssed with their body. they understand the importance of being physically well. they are not all  about looks, they are more concerned with function and health. their body is not who they  are. its where they live.

           choose the right

Monday, September 10, 2012

                         50 habits of

                      Successful people

                        ( habits 21-30)

21.They don’t believe in, or wait for fate, destiny, chance or luck to determine or shape committed to actively and consciously creating their own best life

23.  They are more effective than most at managing their emotions .They feel like we all do but they are not slaves to their emotions.

24. They are good communication and they consciously work at it.

25. They have a plan for their life and they work methodically at turning that plan into a reality .there life is not a clumsy series of unplanned events and outcomes.

26. Their desire to be exceptional means that they typically do things that most won’t .They become exceptional by choice .We’re all faced with life-shaping decision almost daily. successful people make the decision that most won’t and don’t .

27. While any people are pleasured junkies and avoid pain and discomfort at all cost ,successful people understand the values and benefits of working through stuff that most would avoid.

28. They have identified their core value (what is important to them )

29. They have balanced . While they may be financially successful , they know that the terms money and success are not interchangeable . They understand that people who are successful on a financial level only , are not successful at all . Unfortunately we live in a society which teacher that money equals success. Like many other things, money is a tool. It’s certainly not a bad thing but ultimately.